Jun 22, 2015 minecraft daily minecraft daily 010112 172 minitale. This is intended for all those starving shippers out there. This is a longer version of the one i made and had posted onto the comment section of the youtube video. Enhanced portals brings a richer experience than the vanilla obsidian frames.
Well be live streaming daily at 12pm pst 3pm est 8pm gmt on twitch heres my channel. D there should be 2 more skins of mine that theyre going to use not going to spoil who. In episode season 2 episode 97 captain sparklez was given a contract by mianite, if signed he was able to receive an impressive weapon. Resistance a mianite story book 2 of a new world mother confessor action adventure fanfiction november 27, 2017 welcome to the second installment of my mianite fanfiction series, where jordan and joseph have had to leave their friends behind in order to escape dianites wrath. Captainsparklez sausagelover 99 wiki fandom powered by wikia. Mar 2, 2015 captain sparkly pants see more ideas about jordan maron, minecraft youtubers, youtubers. The realm of mianite is a new survival server created by thesyndicateproject on the 29th of. As the first season starring synhd and friends came to an end, weve been working endlessly to give you the cleanest and most entertaining experience there is. See more ideas about youtubers, minecraft youtubers, fan art. Here youll find all my live streaming content posted uncut. Although he mainly posts minecraft and reaction videos, jordan has in the past also played other games which now mostly belong to his second. You can tune in live at captainsparklez if youre looking for edited content then head. Mianite tshirts on redbubble are expertly printed on ethically sourced, sweatshopfree apparel and available in a huge range of styles, colors and sizes. February 10, 1992 age 28, better known online as captainsparklez, is an american youtuber most known for his minecraft gameplay, as well as his reaction videos, occasionally to reddit posts in the subreddit rcaptainsparklez.
Transport players, mobs, animals, items, fluids, even energy to anywhere, whether it be 10,000m away, in the nether, the twilight forest, or any other dimension. It generates about 1 10 dense blocks per chunk replacing already generated ores. The break between seasons 1 and 2 was like 2 months, so how long will this one be. Games by captainsparklez sploder gaming community member. You are dropped into a new world, filled with people who support three gods, mianite. There are a few other minor characters and people who devise the story and play as the npcs. This is the first realm of mianite 2 server in the world. Most of the builds for mianite are built by the blockworks crew, discover. In season 2 of mianite, after pulling the gang from the void, much of her power is drained, leaving her in a 10 year comalike state. After jumping into the void, sparklez, firefoxx, syndicate, and jeriicho find themselves heroes of the land and set of to serve their gods to the best of their abilities. Ft captainsparklez thesyndicate project sonja and jerico.
Mianite is a live streamed minecraft series that takes place on a multiplayer. Mianite purge highlights out here with the big boy edits. Originally a youtube series to invite friends and play around, the two friends soon found the world coming to life on its own and ventured around discovering its secrets. Use code captainsparklez to get 25% off your own servers first month. Mianite resource pack discussion resource packs mapping.
Minecraft minecraft on channel captainsparklez 2 first video. The realm of mianite is a series cofounded by tom syndicate cassell and tucker iijeriichoii boner. Official mianite twitter, get informed and get in touch with the crew. While in this state, only her subconscious is alive and represented by taint. A gigantic and beautiful temple dedicated to the lord mianite. Captainsparklez leave a comment 7 0 view this video in lightbox. And with an epic official server included with an active and thriving community, youre in for a ride. However in episode 98, martha was able to convince not to sign it. Live streams are then chopped up and posted here on youtube. Oct 15, 2015 set in the realm of mianite season 2, after the sky travelers left, the world was destroyed, however, something remained, and recreated the realm to the best of its ability, however, being of evil have invaded, the creator sought out the help of a hero, and summoned a boy who will inherit the power of the wind. If youre a minecraft fanor even a gamer fan in generalthat loves a good laugh and interesting plots, i recommend watching mianite. Adds weapons and more from the realm of mianite, a series by captainsparklez, iijerichoii and syndicate. For those of you who know what mianite is, if you have watched season 2 you know just about what im looking for. This specific fanfic short story comes from season 2 episode 53 dating ianite.
Captain sparklez x ianite fanfiction chapter 1 wattpad. This mod adds dense versions of ore blocks that will drop 3x the items that regular ore will. This takes place as an alternate ending to season 1 and an alternate season 2. This is the first realm of mianite 2 server in the world as the first season starring synhd and friends came to an end weve been working endlessly to give you the cleanest and most entertaining experience there is. A sparkanite captainsparklez and ianite fanfic fanfiction.
Set in the realm of mianite season 2, after the sky travelers left, the world was destroyed, however, something remained, and recreated the realm to the best of its ability, however, being of evil have invaded, the creator sought out the help of a hero, and summoned a. Play along with your favourite youtubers and explore the minecraft world where almost everything is possible. The name ianite comes from mianite and dianite but without their first letters e. These gods are mianite the goodfrom which the series got its name, dianite the evil, and ianite the god of balance. Although he mainly posts minecraft and reaction videos, jordan also posts gameplay of other games such as agar. Mianite is a live streamed minecraft series that takes place on a multiplayer server with youtube friends. By pushing the taint farther back, her conscious lashed back and made the giant statue of taint attacking the. A plugin that allows players to join a team kind of like factions ideas. Mianite is a modded minecraft survival series of epicness featuring myself, iijeriichoii, captain sparklez and syndicate. P he said hes really sorry for the delay, said when theyll give me credit, theyll give it good. Captainsparklez sausagelover 99 wiki fandom powered by.
Slim fit, order a size up if youd like it less fitting. Inspired by the series of the same name from popular youtubers captainsparklez, syndicate, and more, this modpack is a massive collection of content just waiting to be explored. A beautiful shrine dedicated to the godess ianite located near iijeriichoiis who died in ep. Nice track to work up an appetite, but sneezing end portals, 9 10 dec 24, 2016 9. Either on ftb, or on another launcher if naming other launchers in the replies is against rules, then just skip over this one. Shop captainsparklez gifts and merchandise created by independent artists from around the globe. Jul 28, 2014 a plugin that allows players to join a team kind of like factions ideas. In episode season 2 episode 97 captain sparklez was given a contract by. We print the highest quality captainsparklez gifts and merch on the internet. The world of mianite attempting to extract file mianiteseason2modpackms21. However, for those who dont, heres a few things id love if it would be in the modpack. What texture pack pack does captainsparklez use on mianite. Step 3 finally, click install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select the world of mianite from the list on the left. Lady ianites true feelings, a minecraft fanfic fanfiction.
Shop captainsparklez mianite tshirts designed by midnightpremiere as well as other mianite merchandise at teepublic. Minecraft daily minecraft daily 010112 172 minitale. Feb 22, 2016 these gods are mianite the goodfrom which the series got its name, dianite the evil, and ianite the god of balance. There are two main teams, mianite and dianite, which stand for good and evil. Jordan maron born, known by his youtube username captainsparklez, is an american youtube gamer.
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